Sunday, October 19, 2008

You Paid For Your Home - Now Let Your Home Pay You!

You have spent years paying for your home only to find that in your senior years you are struggling to make ends meet financially. A recent poll by the federal government determined that over five million seniors go to bed hungry every day. That is a terrible but all too true statistic. Senior citizens are going to bed hungry in homes that are paid for or almost paid for. Sitting on millions of dollars in equity while struggling to buy food and medicine is wrong!

A reverse mortgage can change the life of a senior. A reverse mortgage can free up the equity and allow the senior to enjoy a life more comfortable and rewarding. No payment is ever due until the senior vacates the home. Over 7900 people turn age 62 every day for the next 17 years. Every one of those seniors may be able to gain access to the equity in their home by obtaining a reverse mortgage.

A reverse mortgage is available to all seniors over the age of 62 regardless of credit or income. It could be the answer for someone you love or for yourself. The Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) loan could be the answer for a senior you know. The HECM Mortgage is guaranteed by the Federal government and insured by the Federal Housing Adminstration (FHA), the senior still maintains ownership of the home as long as one of the people on the deed is in residence.

For more information regarding a Reverse Mortgage, email I will send you a booklet written by Fannie Mae that will tell you everything you need to know about Reverse Mortgages.


Mikie said...

Nice Blog
Mike Tarpoff

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